Tomorrow evening we will open up a thread in my Ravelry group, KraziKnitz by Paula for applications to adopt Rosie. Applicants should put in 25 words or less, why they would be the perfect host for this retired shop owl. Perhaps you live in a lovely cottage by a wood, have a mountain view that she would enjoy or know a debonair owl-about-town who would enjoy the company of a lovely lady owl. Whatever enticement or qualifications you present, do so with as much style as you can manage in 25 words or less.
Keep your eyes peeled for a new thread in the group listed above, tomorrow 06/19/2016 between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. EST (Eastern Standard Time) for those in the US, but the thread will stay open for 18 -24 hours, depending upon the number of applications presented.
Rosie is not getting any younger, and this is going to be more reading than she would normally undertake. It may take her a couple of days to get through the responses depending on how many people would like to make her acquaintance. She is looking forward to choosing her new home and hosts.
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