Saturday, December 24, 2016

On knitting Either/Or Mitts from leethalknits

I am having a wonderful time constructing my Either/Or Mitts.  I say constructing, because they are a modular knit that starts at the thumb and expand across the hand.  They are fully customizable by striping sequence, fingerless or full mitten,  and length of wrist section.  They may also be made in nearly any yarn weight. That being said, I will move on to my yarn selection.

I had some Noro Silk Garden #1 (the first colorway ever dyed) of this popular yarn that I have been saving for just the right project.  I had another ball of an unknown color way that I was given a while back (somewhat contrasting, but not crazy different). The #1 isn't a good picture of the skein, but you can see the change from brown, to beige, to a lavender and then black, with gray beyond that.  The other skein so far is blacks, browns, with a blue gray in the future (beyond that I'm not sure. It'll be a surprise.)

So far I have one mitt done, and I'll post more when I have the other one done.

Mitt under construction

First Mitt Done..more to follow


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