Monday, February 27, 2017

Conquering Cables with Amanda Leah & Knitventure Society

My most recent challenge that I participated in was Conquer Cables with Amanda Leah of daisy chain knits & the Knitventure Society.

I had knit a few cables previously, but avoided them most of the time.  I decided that this challenge might get me past this apprehensiveness.  I liked the idea of learning cable constructions and the basics behind them.  The idea of being able to repair them without frogging also had an appeal!

It was also fun to actually be making something other than a swatch.  Our swatch was going to turn into a useful object. A gift card cozy!  She has two free patterns for those in her Ravelry shop.
The one we were making was the Plaited Gift Card Cozy.  We got a video & homework assignment each day, as well as live streams at various times to accommodate varying time zones.  She had a co-star for most of the videos, her handsome Persian cat - Sampson (who seems to like the limelight, as evidenced by his fluffiness making daily appearances)!😺

Day 1 was the basics, lots of technical info on cables, reading charts, etc.  We did a few set up rows as homework.  My picture is a little dark, because we were gone most of the day & I didn't take pictures until I got home. We also learned about lifelines, which came in handy later.

Day 2 was the first couple of repeats on our actual cables.  Our video on conventional knitting gave us the basics on the two types of cable crosses.  Amanda also included videos on mirror knitting for those who knit predominantly left handed.  We also covered the two basic types of cable needles, as well as quick fixes for when you can't find your needle.  She showed an inventive little cable needle ring that she wears, so that she doesn't lose hers.  An idea from her mom!

Day 3 was the completion of the cable repeats, as well as how to cable without a cable needle.  I tried it, but had limited success.  Thank heaven for lifelines, which we learned about on Day 1. I'll try it again some day, but I like the security of the cable needle for now.

Day 4 of our challenge dealt with the finishing rows, dry blocking, how to even out loose stitches and regular blocking. I completed my cozy and blocked it. I also used the time to pick out my button.

Day 5 was seaming and adding the button.  I was having so much fun, I went ahead and completed the Chain Gift Card Cozy as well.  I'm posting that picture, as well.  I chose a whimsical butterfly for the bright yellow cozy,  and something a little more classic for the green one.

There were great prizes and fun was had by all participants.  If you want to conquer cables, she will open the challenge back up in a few months.  Go to Daisy Chain Knits for more details or join the Knitventure Society.  Amanda is also going to have on-going KALs and other learning opportunities, with a new series of skill building adventures called igKNITion Skill Studio.  This will be starting very soon with their first edition, Celtic Cables.  Stop on by and join the crowd of happy knitters.

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