Monday, November 21, 2016

Gift A Long is less than 24 hours away....

I am super excited to be taking part in my very first Indie Design Gift A Long, which starts November 22, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. and kicks off with a sale on some of my patterns and those of 334 other designers.  The designers participating have selected anywhere from 5 - 20 of their patterns to be on sale at 25% off until November 30 at 11:59 p.m., but its not just about a sale.

It is also a big party that runs through the end of the year.  There are games, prizes and lots of schmoozing and socializing that goes on 24/7.  The group opened up just a few days ago, and there are already well over 5000 comments in the thread assigned to pre-GAL chatter.  They have now opened up all of the category threads, where members can discuss what they plan to knit and share yarn choices.  It's a mad house over there, but is it a blast.  If I had known how much fun it was I would have joined in before.

There are threads where folks are planning meet-ups for geographic areas over the time span of the Gift A Long.  I haven't seen one for Florida yet, but I might talk to my local LYS to see if we can get something going in my area.  I can't be the only participant in my county.  Speaking of that, there is also a map where you can see what designers and participants have checked in to show their location.  I'm going to be on both maps, because I'm also going to take part in the KAL/CAL happening along with all the games and other events.  This is going to be putting up some of my choices for the various categories up on this blog.

I am also hope to feature a few short designer profiles and maybe even some prizes of my own for people leaving comments, but I'll have to work out the details before I can do that. Keep your eyes peeled for further information.

This is the collage that I came up with for my designer profile in the GAL designer thread, if you see it you can take the link to my designer page, where you will see my bundle of patterns.  Any of those patterns will be 25% off from 11/22/16 at 8:00 pm until 11/30/16 at 11:59 pm. I'm on page 8 in the designer thread post #198.   After that the GAL will continue as a KAL/CAL with games, prizes and lots of other happenings.  All paid patterns of the participating designers are eligible for prizes, but check the FAQ's for details.  Hope to see to at
                  GAL 2016.  Follow me to 
The Indie Design  Gift-A-Long 2016.  Woot! Parteee!😀💖

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